#MHJ 7. Epilogues and Other Anecdotes about My Psychiatric Visits
These are random stories I want to write about my psychiatric diagnoses and doctor visits that are either too short, or I just couldn't fit in any of the previous #MHJ parts.
Stories including wrong stereotypes of psychiatric patients, opening up with your therapist, and supplemental coping mechanisms besides psychotropic medications.

Feminine Fears
It's so contrast how women's more immediate and relatable fears are dependent on other people's decision to hurt us,
while men's top fears are caused by nature, fate, or their own hands.

On Giving Birth: No.
Would you rather be old regretting for not having children.
or be old, and regretting for having one?

A Very Late Review from a Very Satisfied Customer
This is an honest review of Vesper by Crave, a vibrator, 5 years after its purchase.
Spoiler: It's a 5 out of 5.

Lo Siento, No Hablo Muy Bien
Spanish is the easiest on our tongues, I swear. With Spanish, what you see is exactly how you pronounce it.
I used to wanted to learn French and Latin, but the pronunciation is killing me, I can't deal with that.