A Look Back Into My 2022
Turning in my 2022 review about 2-weeks late lol. So what else is new?
#MHJ Explaining My ADHD with Memes
Meme: an amusing or interesting item (such as a captioned picture or video) or genre of items that is spread widely online especially through social media.
- Merriam-Webster Dictionary Online
#MHJ 9. Experimenting with Drug Test Kit
Because I take benzodiazepine for my disorders, my ADHD-ridden brain came up with this idea to try out the commercially-available drug test kit.
The result is this blog post.
#MHJ 8. Meds Check-Ins
Three out of 5 of my former and current prescribed daily pills are classified as psychotropics here in Indonesia.
Here's a review for how they helped me and my mental health.
Awkarin Q&A about Her Therapy & Psych Sessions
To some extent, I am thankful for Awkarin for speaking up on her bipolar disorder and how the TV infotainments picked up on that, bringing awareness to wider audience.
#MHJ 5. Penggunaan Rujukan BPJS untuk ke Poli Jiwa/ Psikiater/ dr. Sp.KJ
Most FAQ: "Emang ke psikiater bisa pakai BPJS?"
And in this post, I'll tell you all about it, based on my experience.