#MHJ 8. Meds Check-Ins
Three out of 5 of my former and current prescribed daily pills are classified as psychotropics here in Indonesia.
Here's a review for how they helped me and my mental health.

#MHJ 6. My Self-Diagnosis vs Actual Diagnoses (Depressive Episodes, ADHD, & BD)
I am not against self-diagnosis IF and IF ONLY it made you better prepared for your actual professional diagnosis by your psychiatrist.
Here's my story on that.

#MHJ 1. Ke Psikolog dan/atau ke Psikiater?
FAQ: "Gue ini harusnya ke psikolog atau ke psikiater ya?"
The OVERSIMPLIFIED answer would be: kalau butuh cerita, ke psikolog. Kalau curhat masih belum bikin lega, mungkin emang sakit, jadi harus ke dokter Sp.KJ alias psikiater.
Psikolog ga bisa kasih obat, sementara psikiater bisa.